Creating an Effective UpGiv Campaign

Starting a crowdfunding campaign for the first time can be daunting, with a lot of different things that need to be taken care of which can improve the success of your campaign.

Here, we’ll highlight some of the best things you can do to optimize your campaign for success.

Campaign Goal

Setting a goal that is too ambitious will turn people away. People have an expectation of how much things should cost, and don’t want to contribute to a campaign that is collecting more than they feel is necessary. Similarly, people want to be part of a success, and seeing that a campaign has collected $500 and has $150,000 left to go, doesn’t instill them with much confidence.

Try to elaborate on how you arrived at the campaign goal, and what the money will be going for. For example, “the surgery costs $75,000, and since insurance doesn’t cover it, I have to pay out-of-pocket”.

Campaign Title

The title of your campaign is the first thing people see, and it often is the factor that can convince them to read further. So it’s imperative that you create a compelling title that is clear and convincing.

Avoid generic phrases like “Please Save Me”, and make them as personal and specific as possible, for example, “Save 8-Year-Old Moshe’s Life” or “Abuse Victim is About to be Homeless!”
Keep your titles consice. They should be similar to a news article length. 5 to 10 words is a good guideline, anything longer and people will lose interest.

Campaign Description

People connect to stories, so make your campaign description as vivid as possible.

A vague description like “I’m facing some terrible challenges” will get a lot less response than including specific details.

You’re asking people to give you their hard earned money, and the more they connect emotionally to your cause, the more likely they are to give.

For example, if you have a medical condition, write what it is and briefly describe how it affects your life. If you are having financial trouble, elaborate on your expenses and what sources of income you do have (elaborating, if necessary, on how that’s not enough).

If you’re concerned about divulging personal information, you can use a pseudonym, but don’t hold back from being as personal as possible in your writing.

Finally, once again, keep your description brief and concise. 3 paragraphs is a good general guide – there is no need to fluff things up with extra sentences, people have short attention spans and just want to get to the point.

Use a Real Image

A campaign that has a photo associated with it is far more compelling. Whenever possible, use an actual picture of the individuals who are related to the cause. Even blurring the faces if necessary will still communicate to donors that there are real people who are being affected here.

If a real photo is not possible, a stock photo is still a better option than no photo at all, and you can search Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay for free stock photos that illustrate your point.

There are many factors that contribute to a successful campaign, but setting up the actual page properly is an important first step towards an effective crowdfunding experience.

Creating an Effective UpGiv Campaign

Creating an Effective UpGiv Campaign

Creating an Effective UpGiv Campaign

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Creating an Effective UpGiv Campaign